Under the Environmental Protection Agency’s (“EPA”) Lead and Copper Rule Revisions, public water systems must create an inventory of all potable water services lines within their system. Each state was responsible for ensuring that public water systems properly document their system. In the State of Texas, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (“TCEQ”) is responsible for enforcing this ruling. TCEQ mandated that public water systems inventory both public and private water service lines to determine if there was lead present within the system.
Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 152 (“the District”) was responsible for inventorying our entire water service system and uploading the results to TCEQ.
To do this, the District reviewed historical construction plans, distribution maps, meter connection reports and operational records to confirm that there was no lead present in the water service lines built after the State’s Lead Ban of 1989.
For homes that were constructed prior to the Lead Ban of 1989, a visual inspection was performed at each meter box to confirm that no lead was present in either the private or public service lines.
In total, the District inspected and confirmed that none of the 2,477 connections within the District had lead present. A summary of the findings can be found in the PDF below.